May 2018 – La Vigne wine-growing journal

pompe à vin oenopompe wine pump designMore fun, the pumps

It is by this title, a bit simplistic, that Lucie Marné, a journalist at La Vigne magazine, testifies to the evolution of the smart wine pumps market. A subject lived daily at PMH Vinicole, considered as a major player in the transfer of liquid food, and especially forerunner of high-tech wine pumps as rightly written by La Vigne magazine.

As noticed during the last Sitevi 2017, Lucie Marné summarizes the situation with these words: “High-tech pumps are popular. Fitted with a flowmeter, a (touch) screen, they are programmed to transfer the desired volume, during the time and according to the flow wished by the user. Transfers, racking and barrel filling are simplified. ”

More fun? Indeed … and this is one of the axes on which our research has been concentrated for several years. The wine pumps are omnipresent in wine cellars, multi-functional, mobile to be closer to the action, they became the right arm of a cellar master. How to make this equipment comfortable to use and, at the same time, intelligent by providing related functionalities and analysis data? This is all the issues we have set for the next few years.

In the meantime, discover this article (in french):

Precision: The SmartDrive function, the control by touch screen, is an option sold at 990 € HT and not 4 000 € as mentioned by mistake in this article.