October 2013 – VITI Magazine

Piston, rotor, blades, lobes or peristaltic wine pumps…

A review of 4 wine pump ranges

This article appeared in issue No 292 in October 2013. Viti’s journalist, Séverine Favre, reviewed the four main wine pumps technologies, using a number of user stories:

  • Peristaltic pump
    Manufacturers : Della Toffola, Bodin, Ragazzini, Mori, Delasco
  • Volumetric pump with helicoïdal lobes
    Manufacturers : PMH Vinicole, Inoxpa (straight lobes)
  • Rotary piston pump
    Manufacturer : Francesca
  • Flexible impeller pump
    Manufacturers : Cazaux Rotorflex, Bodin, Inoxpa


The content relating to PMH VINICOLE’s volumetric wine pumps with helical lobes, reads as follows:

Jean-Charles Palloure, Aude Oenologie, Languedoc-Rousillon

«… The Oenopompe is multi purpose: It respects both the heated juices and finished wines and can be used for filters and different types of winemaking equipment. Unlike rotor pumps, reciprocating or rotary piston pumps, the flow is smooth, uninterrupted and jolt-free. Very low dissolved oxygen level variations are measured during the transfers. Due to its construction, with an intermediary vacuum chamber, pumped liquid/oil contact is impossible. Lobes are guaranteed phthalate-free and sulphur-free. The vacuum flow rate is –5 meters… »

Bernard Alias, Sainte-Marie des Crozes Winery, Aude

«… I bought the Oenopompe 180 2 years ago. I especially appreciate its very (very) simple cleaning. During the harvest, you clean the motor with a simple input-output of water. At the beginning and the end of the season, I spray water into the pump casing. Unlike piston pumps, there are no inaccessible areas. The electronic speed variator, unlike the two-speed variator, enables a precise adjustment of the flow-rate. It’s a significant advantage when the pump is placed before the cooling unit… »

Click on the links to read the full press article (in french):